Sorting a Job… Know What's in the Database

When you submit an order you must indicate how you want the packages and different products sorted. The 3 most common sorts are "Grade/Last Name", "Teacher/Last Name" or "Homeroom/Last Name". The sort you select is very important and that information must be in the database.

Typically High Schools and Middle Schools use the Grade/Last Name or Homeroom/Last Name sort, while Elementary Schools usually sort by either Teacher/Last Name or Homeroom/Last Name.

The most common problem that occurs is when a sort such as Teacher/Last Name is selected and no information is placed in the teacher field. This causes the job to be sorted by Last Name. The packages are all printed in alphabetical order making it a nightmare for the school to hand out. Worse yet is that the Yearbook CD is in alphabetical order… not what the school or Yearbook Company want.